Home Study Program

The American Speed Reading Corporation offers a five hour Home Study Program. Six months in the making, we believe it is easy to learn yet the most complete speed reading course on video today.

All reading materials should not be read in the same manner.  You will learn techniques to breeze through technical material, newspapers, magazines, and novels.

You’ll monitor your own progress through questions and pre-and post-tests.  With our innovative style of note-taking you’ll learn to write less but remember more.

Unlike other programs, you won’t be watching a staged classroom setting.  You’ll feel as if Al Tuve, the CEO of American Speed Reading, is right there overseeing your progress as your personal instructor.

And should you ever need assistance we include both an e-mail address and a toll free number so you can speak directly with one of our certified instructors.  All this and more for only $259.00, plus shipping.

CALL TODAY TO ORDER !   +1-888-223-6727
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Memory Power

Do your employees forget names of important clients or information presented at seminars?  Are they afraid to give speeches or lead seminars because they might forget vital information?  Do they experience memory meltdown? Without memory all brainwork is wasted because there is no way to recall from past experience.  How many times have you heard an executive say about an employee, “He just never learns.” So often the situation could more properly be phrased, “He doesn’t remember.”  In contrast, there are some persons whose entire key to success lies in a good memory and little else.

Suppose in just THREE hours, we could turn the minds of your employees into memory machines that retain vital information, and not just for minutes, but for days, weeks or as long as they needed?

The AMERICAN SPEED READING CORPORATION is proud to announce our newest seminar, “MEMORY POWER”. Right from the start, we will introduce your personnel to an innovative way of thinking, as we sharpen their minds to store and retrieve information in moments. This means instilling confidence, improving work performance, and increasing productivity.

MEMORY POWER has been highly successful wherever presented. It not only works, but learning these memory techniques is fun and will prove to be one of the most interesting and popular seminars your company has ever presented.

If you believe, as we do, that this innovative concept will be a major asset to your corporation, please contact us. We will be happy to include your company in our next seminar schedule.